Top 5 Steps to Achieve a Successful Digital Transformation through Cloud Migration

As business enterprises pursue digital transformation to accelerate decision-making, improve processes and workflows, create superior customer experiences, and generate more revenue streams, the cloud can act as a catalyst. It can position the machine first approach and enable enterprises to automate their business processes and plug into humongous on-demand computing power at lower costs thanContinue reading “Top 5 Steps to Achieve a Successful Digital Transformation through Cloud Migration”

How Can Cloud Assurance Help You Achieve Digital Transformation

Cloud-based technology has made business enterprises realize how they can achieve the fruits of digital transformation and grow. From online classes and financial transactions to remote working, the cloud has truly brought about a revolution of sorts. According to Gartner, global cloud spending will likely exceed $482 billion in 2022, a significant increase from $313Continue reading “How Can Cloud Assurance Help You Achieve Digital Transformation”

How can Test Automation Secure a Safe Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud has become a business imperative to achieve a host of objectives. These include accelerating innovation, securing databases, delivering services quickly and cost-effectively, gaining insights into real-time scenarios, enabling quick decision making, and responding quickly to customer queries and market scenarios, among others. Most organizations have committed themselves to integrating the cloudContinue reading “How can Test Automation Secure a Safe Cloud Migration”

Top QA Checklist to Ensure Successful Cloud Migration

In a day and age where business enterprises are upping the ante on digital transformation, migrating to the cloud ecosystem is a foregone conclusion. The top drivers for any cloud migration exercise include data modernization, remote access, data protection and security, productivity and efficiency, operational excellence, and cost advantage. If statistics are to be believed,Continue reading “Top QA Checklist to Ensure Successful Cloud Migration”

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