Top 5-Steps to Realize Enterprise DevOps Transformation

DevOps has become the buzzword for many organizations across domains to streamline their value chains, drive excellence, achieve superior customer experience, and enhance productivity, efficiency, and revenue. It is a culture encompassing areas of software development such as testing, delivery, maintenance, and security. DevOps enables the stability of all programs, processes, and systems that areContinue reading “Top 5-Steps to Realize Enterprise DevOps Transformation”

Top Strategies to Ensure a Successful DevOps Implementation

Digital first is the mantra that every business and organization across the world is embracing to stay competitive. This also means improving the existing IT infrastructure and workflows, welcoming new technologies, methodologies, and approaches, and imbibing a culture of change. DevOps is one such methodology that software development companies need to implement to enhance quality,Continue reading “Top Strategies to Ensure a Successful DevOps Implementation”

What does Test Orchestration Imply? What are its Benefits?

In the DevOps approach of developing, testing, and delivering software applications, there is a need to accelerate testing within the constraints of budget and time. This entails automating the testing process as part of the testing strategy. In many cases, continuous test automation is often considered as a discrete step in the build pipeline ratherContinue reading “What does Test Orchestration Imply? What are its Benefits?”

What are the trends in DevOps Implementation?

In the competitive global business landscape, enterprises have to grapple with twin challenges: changing trends in technology and customer behavior. The demand is to deliver quality software applications quickly and update them on a continuous basis. However, with the agile methodology of development, there used to be a mismatch between what development and operations couldContinue reading “What are the trends in DevOps Implementation?”

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