ROI of Functional Testing – Metrics and Measures

The tech-savvy and increasingly demanding users of today do not settle for anything less than the best of everything, including the quality of software applications. In the digitized ecosystem, software applications have become the go-to vehicle for individuals as well as entities to leverage the fruits of the internet. However, given the rapidly growing competition,Continue reading “ROI of Functional Testing – Metrics and Measures”

How can Automated Functional Testing Garner End User Approval and Quick Software Delivery

The pressure to remain competitive often forces the hands of business enterprises to deliver software applications at a faster pace. This can often mean quality assurance is given a pass or just used as an also-ran activity. Experience has shown that such an approach can be disastrous for enterprises, both in the short and longContinue reading “How can Automated Functional Testing Garner End User Approval and Quick Software Delivery”

How does Functional Testing ensure the Compliance of Software with its Functional Needs?

Any software application needs to tick all the boxes when it comes to complying with its varied functional requirements. These requirements involve functions the applications are meant to perform when certain inputs are entered. And it is by leveraging manual and/or automated functional testing services that the software application’s functionality is validated as per theContinue reading “How does Functional Testing ensure the Compliance of Software with its Functional Needs?”

The Need for Functional Testing and the Way to Achieve it.  

The maintenance of quality on a continuous basis should drive the development of all agile-based software applications. And to achieve the same, the integration of test automation tools in the SDLC becomes necessary. In an ever-changing market where customer preferences vary from brand to brand and are mostly underpinned by the quality of the softwareContinue reading “The Need for Functional Testing and the Way to Achieve it.  “

How Functional Testing Services Ensure the Quality of Software Applications

The need to survive in a competitive market and become one of the blue-eyed products has forced business enterprises to majorly focus on quality assurance. This was not the case even a few years back, when quality assurance was considered a low-level R&D job and characterized by poor attitudes, lack of attention, and low budget.Continue reading “How Functional Testing Services Ensure the Quality of Software Applications”

Why is Automated Functional Testing Critical for your Business?

Organizations developing software to reach out to their target customers are always in a hurry to deliver at a faster pace. In doing so, they often cut corners with quality testing and end up delivering a product that leaves a lot to be desired. With new development paradigms like Agile-DevOps, organizations have renewed their focusContinue reading “Why is Automated Functional Testing Critical for your Business?”

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