What are the New Testing Interventions for Mobile Applications

Mobile apps cutting across domains have transformed the digital ecosystem across the globe. They have provided users with unprecedented conveniences that were unthinkable a decade ago. Based on the increased usage of such apps, the industry is expecting a revenue figure of $156 billion in 2022. According to an estimate, there are approximately 1.85 millionContinue reading “What are the New Testing Interventions for Mobile Applications”

Top Mobile App Testing Types every QA Tester Should Know

The utilitarian value of mobile phones has been mainly due to the plethora of applications that are accessed by users to perform a raft of activities. These may include watching movies, paying utility bills, booking tickets, playing games, reading informative content, and buying merchandise, among others. Does this mean users lap up every application onContinue reading “Top Mobile App Testing Types every QA Tester Should Know”

How can Software Testing Services Ensure Quality Assurance and Customer Experience

With digitization and automation becoming the leitmotif of our existence, the quality of software that is at the core of everything and drives the big digital ecosystem needs to be at a top-notch level. Business enterprises have realized that software quality assurance is a specialized service, which should be done by experts. And with competitionContinue reading “How can Software Testing Services Ensure Quality Assurance and Customer Experience”

Facilitating Continuous Delivery with Agile and DevOps: An Overview

Organizations, these days, implement agile methodologies to enhance the speed of software delivery. Agile software development is much more than various practices like test-driven development, planning sessions, pair programming, stand-ups, and sprints. The term denotes a set of practices that include promoting sustainable development, maintaining a constant pace, gaining a competitive edge, attention to technicalContinue reading “Facilitating Continuous Delivery with Agile and DevOps: An Overview”

Software Testing Trends to Survive and Grow in the Post-Pandemic Age

During the pandemic, many businesses embarked on a digital transformation journey. From online education to traveling through virtual reality, telemedicine services to online gym training, and work-from-home in the IT sector – technology is at the heart of this revolution. And such a landscape demands out-of-the-box ideas.   QA testing lies at its core for validating theseContinue reading “Software Testing Trends to Survive and Grow in the Post-Pandemic Age”

How Intelligent Automation in the Energy Sector can be Beneficial

In a world facing a growing demand for energy but an increased distrust for the sector due to its polluting effects on the environment, there is a need for transformation. The focus is more on using renewable sources of energy and reducing the dependence on fossil fuel driven units. The sector has come under increasedContinue reading “How Intelligent Automation in the Energy Sector can be Beneficial”

How does a Quality Engineering approach ensure a compliant Medical Device?

The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation with new medical devices and treatments being developed and applied. Medical devices have become important cogs in the wheels of this transformation that would enable greater connectivity to perform data analytics and remote patient monitoring with ease. The changing dynamics of the market warrants medical devices to stayContinue reading “How does a Quality Engineering approach ensure a compliant Medical Device?”

Why should Testers use a Standardized Automated Regression Testing Framework?

The fast pace of software development to reach out to the end-users before the competitors often forces enterprises to cut down on testing time. This may leave some bugs in the software, which then end up impacting the user experience. Every software needs to be upgraded to ensure its compatibility with the latest versions ofContinue reading “Why should Testers use a Standardized Automated Regression Testing Framework?”

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